Contemporary Federal Style

Greenwich, Connecticut

Brick Home Design
Brick Siding and Basement Stairwell
Two Floor Stairway
Small Entertainment Center
Small Entertainment Center with a Fire Place
Granite Kitchen Design
Granite Kitchen Design With an Oven
Entertainment Center
Mud Room With Closet Storage
Patio with a Brick Fire Place
Brick Deck
Brick One Car Garage Home

This new 5300 square foot in-town "Contemporary Federalist Style Residence" is located on a .15 acre site in the heart of downtown Greenwich, Connecticut. Most important to the client, while maximizing the allowable square footage was to design a new residence that respected the scale and vintage neighboring homes. In addition, they wanted an authentic home design that reflected the imagery of a home located in an urban setting.

Located on a 50 by 120 foot lot, with only a 35 by 75 foot building envelope, presented many design challenges with respect to the client's program. The resolution required the street façade to include a strong entry, two-bay garage, and an architectural design feature. In addition, the interior room locations needed to be designed and planned to maximize the privacy to the adjacent homes as well as create a special private outdoor space. The client wanted to create as much exterior privacy as possible. This separation from the street was created with the construction of black wrought iron fencing atop low brick walls, and extensive landscaping, the rear terrace is walled, leading to an outdoor fireplace with a tall chimney in the center of a rock edged, gravel filled, circle.